Blog Tour, Fairytales, Guest Post

Favorite Characters from the Twist Tales – A Guest Post by Kirsten Fichter

Have you ever wondered what an author’s favorite characters are? I have! Which is why I ask it every time I interview an author. As a writer myself, I know how evil this question can be, ;p but there’s just something extra special about knowing which character(s) have the fondest place in their author’s heart. So without further ado, I welcome Kirsten Fichter to my blog to talk about her favorite characters!

I think it’s safe to say that every author has his/her favorite characters. We can’t help it. Sometimes, we know we’re going to adore a character right from the moment of their creation, and sometimes, our favorites sneak up on us when we least expect it. Favorite character tropes is also a definite thing; I prefer cinnamon roll heroes and comedic sidekicks, honestly, so I tend to put a lot of those in my books.

My fairytale novella series, Once Upon a Twist Tales, has a wide variety of characters: cinnamon rolls, villains, silent heroes, feisty heroines, mischievous siblings – if I’m only going to name a few. They’ve known hurt, laughter, new beginnings, hard choices, love, betrayal, happy moments, and more. Here are a few of my favorite characters from the series.

Felix Barath

And by default, Samson, too, because they’re kind of inseparable. Felix is probably the biggest cinnamon roll in my trove of characters, and I love him for it. He’s got a big heart and always sees the light in a difficult situation. Even in the midst of trials, he’ll see the best in people – which makes him the perfect half to the usually pessimistic Marita Kadlec. Samson was such a blast to write – a big horse with a big love for trouble and a big flair for the dramatic. He’ll steal your heart from the first moment, guaranteed.

Lorcan D’vard

I mean, it’s only fair we include some villains on this list, right? D’vard is, by far, my favorite villain in the Twist Tales. He’s a self-centered, big-thinking, bear-obsessed, pompous nobleman who likes to stay in control of everything. Oh, and he has a rather lengthy beard that he calls his “beloved” (but he’s not a dwarf as the original fairytale depicted him). He’s not afraid to go the extra mile on a whim for flair and personal gain, often without too much thought of later consequences. His dialogue constantly had me cracking up. He was just the best.

Inga Kadlec

Ah, Diamond and Marita’s grandmother. I was very close to both of my grandmothers growing up (one has passed away, and the other I haven’t been able to visit in several years with college and the pandemic), and it was important for me, in Spindle Dreams, to have a family member to support Marita and her endeavors. Inga has an overwhelming soft and sweet personality, but she can snap pretty hard if you get her feathers ruffled. She’s protective of her family, and never thinks of herself first. I miss that I didn’t get to have her be a part of either Diamond or The Bear of Rosethorn Ring, but I’m really hoping to maybe revisit her in another book. Maybe.

Seth Stendahl

Another cinnamon roll. See, I told you guys I love these characters. Seth is the youngest of seven siblings – and he’s the only boy. You’d think having six sisters would have prepared him for meeting a strange girl in the woods, but Diamond isn’t like his sisters at all. For one thing, all six sisters are especially competitive, and they always seemed to be better at everything. The one thing Seth excels at is alchemy. He loves experimenting and discovering new things by combining different elements. He’s passionate about fulfilling his dreams, but he’s got a soft heart that wants to help others achieve their dreams as well.

Nicolas and Nicoline

Anyone who’s read The Rose and the Balloon had to know my list of favorite characters would end with these two royal troublemakers. I love writing twins, and Nicolas and Nicoline are the best twins to write about. Their brother Dmitri deliberately won’t tell them which one is the elder; they’re constantly trying to outdo one another in pranks and other general mischief. Even though they are very close and very similar in personality, they bicker A LOT, and their quarrels and antics are quickly becoming the talk of the kingdom. And will very likely be featured in later books. *hint, hint* Don’t ask which of the two I love more, because it is nigh impossible to think of one without the other. That’s just how these twins work.

About the book:

The Bear of Rosethorn Ring: A Snow White and Rose Red Story (Once Upon a Twist
Tales, Book #4)

How far would Snow White and Rose Red go to save the man behind the bear?

When their father runs away, Marita and Diamond Kadlec realize how different twins can be.
Marita’s ready to forget Lucas entirely, but Diamond wants to give him the second chance she’s
never been able to give before. That’s before they discover that Lucas is indebted to the ill-
tempered D’vard and his traveling circus, the Rosethorn Ring. The Ring’s entertainment lacks a
bear, and Lucas must play the part of the savage creature to regain his freedom.

Lorcan D’vard cares only for three things: tending to his beloved beard, promoting his
Rosethorn Ring, and eradicating the assassin out to kill him. With time running out, D’vard
agrees to cancel Lucas’s debt and let him go free – if Marita and Diamond can apprehend the
assassin before the assassin ends the show.

This is Snow White and Rose Red with a twist like you’ve never seen it before.

Find it on Goodreads and Amazon

About the Series:

Once Upon a Twist Tales are your favorite fairytales retold backwards and upside-down, with a
little bit of steampunk thrown in for fun!

Other Books in the Series:

Book One ~ The Rose and the Balloon: A Beauty and the Beast Story

Book Two ~ Spindle Dreams: A Sleeping Beauty Story

Book Three ~ Diamond: A Rapunzel Story

Goodreads | Amazon

About the author:

Kirsten Fichter is a twenty-something Christian writer who loves being the wife to her favorite
person ever, mommy to two precious blessings, a piano enthusiast, a dragon buff, a serious
bookworm, and an INFP synesthete. Fairytales have always fascinated her, and she has made it
her goal to rewrite as many as possible and become known as the “Grimm Dickens” (i.e. mixing
Grimm fairytales with a Dickens style). She is present in many online circles under the name
“Kiri Liz” if you care about things like that. As you read this, she’ll be somewhere under a maple
tree – trying very hard to finish the seventeen and half other stories she unwisely started all at

You can connect with her at Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Blog | Goodreads

Blog Tour Schedule:

April 5th

April 6th

April 7th

April 8th

April 9th 

If you’re an author, do you have favorites among your characters? Do you like learning about an author’s favorite character(s)? What do you think of the Kirsten’s favorites? If you’ve read any of the Once Upon a Twist Tales, do you have a favorite character from the series? Mine are Seth, and the twins! ^_^

Let’s Chat!

18 thoughts on “Favorite Characters from the Twist Tales – A Guest Post by Kirsten Fichter”

  1. O.O “Favorite Characters…” I just realized you asked me that question in the interview, and I COMPLETELY didn’t think about it when I put this guest post together. You played me straight into your hand, girl. *claps* XD

    Liked by 2 people

    1. LOL! I about died laughing at this! *bows* XD I love learning about an author’s favorite characters, so this post was a real treat! ❤ I actually thought you might have done it on purpose when I saw it in the email. XD


  2. I TOTALLY love knowing an author’s favorite character! Maybe we’re not supposed to choose favorites from our children…but you know we all do it. *grins* And just YES to all of these!!! Felix (and Samson) is my tippity top favorite Once Upon a Twist Tale character, but Nicolas and Nicoline come as a verrryyy close second. And then probably Seth??? Or…ALL OF THEM! Because every single character is just so very fun and lovable!

    Thank you girls for sharing this! Such a fun post! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes! *high-fives* Eheh, yeah… technically we’re not supposed to have a favorite “child”… but, yes. Yes we do. #noshame (And I suspect the ones who say they can’t choose just don’t want to admit they have a favorite. XD) ALL OF THEM! Is a verrry good answer. 😉 Kirsten has done an amazing job with her characters and I just love them all! ❤

      Thank you for reading! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I totally have favourites and I won’t deny it. XD
    I do really love hearing about Authors’ favourites but they almost always answer, “I can’t pick one or two of my book babies” or “It’s hard to pick one because I love them all” so I don’t ask. XD
    Oh, I loved seeing Kristen favourite characters! ❤
    Also, so far, Diamond is my favourite character from the series!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Lol! Go you! Is Smoke one of them? *grins*
      I knowww! Which is actually why I keep asking, hoping to one day get an actual answer. XD Which Kirsten answered beautifully. ^_^
      Same!!! ❤
      Awwww, Diamond is a GREAT character! I love her so much! ❤

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Oooh this was AWESOME!!!!! I know I probably shouldn’t, but I do have some favorites among my charries. Colin and Genie just top every other character I’ve ever written about. (Sorry Keenum…) YESSS!!!!! I LOOOVE hearing about an author’s favorite character and it’s always soo sad when most of them say they can’t choose favorites. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Isn’t it! I loved reading it! Haha! There are just certain characters whom we maybe don’t exactly love more, but have the most fun spending time with. ❤ Lol, Colin and Genie are great characters. 😉 When it's a character you like as well, it just makes it that much more special to know they're the author's favourite too. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. It IS really good! And no, it’s not magical. It’s based on the fairy tales, but no magic at all. All four books do not have magic and all are wonderful! ^_^ I think you’d like them. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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